My mind is a real rollercoaster at the moment, sometimes I’m pleased when I take a moment to reflect, other times I’m angry and disappointed by how slow I move, and the number of things I haven’t yet accomplished.
One minute I can be pleased, the next minute, a complete 180.
I’m trying to read all of these books at the moment to help shape and train my mind. Make myself live more in the present than the past or the future. Those two aspects of time seem to give the most trouble to people with brains wired like mine.
I don’t know how I’m going to tackle this, at the moment it seems like a rather steep hill to climb. But let’s see if I can start to recondition my mind and really make progress.
In other, unrelated, news - I got a tooth fixed at the dentist today. So at least not in as much pain now! Have a good evening 🙏